<STYLE type=text/css>
body { overflow-x: hidden; }
v:* { behavior: url(#default#VML); }
<DIV> </DIV>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
VML Fireworks script -- By Jacco IJzerman (j.ijzerman1@REMOVETHISchello.nl)
Permission granted to Dynamicdrive.com to feature script in archive.
For full source code, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/
*/ //Customize fireworks colors:
colors = new Array();
colors[0] = new Array('yellow', 'lime');
colors[1] = new Array('silver', 'green')
colors[2] = new Array('silver', 'blue');
colors[3] = new Array('silver', 'purple');
colors[4] = new Array('purple', 'white');
colors[5] = new Array('blue', 'silver');
colors[6] = new Array('red', 'fuchsia');
colors[7] = new Array('yellow', 'red'); maximum = 1000; vmlobj='';
for(i = 0; i < 12; i++){
vmlobj += '<div id="ster'+i+'" style="position:abso
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