/* Bouncy message script- By Dynamicdrive.com Code based on Lloyd Hassell's, at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex4/bounceimage.htm For full source, TOS, and 100s DTHML scripts, visit http://dynamicdrive.com */
//Configure the below three variables
//1) Set message to display (HTML accepted) var thecontent='<h2><font color="#0000FF">YAZINI BURA YAZ</font></h2>' //2) Set delay after which message should be hidden, in miliseconds ('' makes it incessantly visible on the screen) var hidetimer=''; //3) Set speed of animation (1-50), where larger is faster var BallSpeed = 20;
var contentWidth; var contentHeight; var maxBallSpeed = 50;
var xMax; var yMax; var xPos = 0; var yPos = 0; var xDir = 'right'; var yDir = 'down'; var superballRunning = true; var tempBallSpeed; var currentBallSrc; var newXDir; var newYDir;
function initializeBall() { if (document.all) { xMax = document.body.clientWidth yMax = document.body.clientHeight document.all("supertext").style.visibility = "visible"; contentWidth=supertext.offsetWidth contentHeight=supertext.offsetHeight } else if (document.layers) { xMax = window.innerWidth; yMax = window.innerHeight; contentWidth=document.supertext.document.width contentHeight=document.supertext.document.height document.layers["supertext"].visibility = "show"; } setTimeout('moveBall()',400); if (hidetimer!='') setTimeout("hidetext()",hidetimer) }
function hidetext(){ if (document.all) supertext.style.visibility="hidden" else if (document.layers) document.supertext.visibility="hide" clearTimeout(animatetext) }
if (document.all||document.layers){ document.write('<span id="supertext"><nobr>'+thecontent+'</nobr></span>') window.onload = initializeBall; window.onresize = new Function("window.location.reload()"); }